Thursday, November 27, 2014


It was my first visit to a martyr’s family, my first meeting with them. It was Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan’s birthday. Before meeting them, I had heard stories from my friends about their experience of meeting a martyr’s family. Naturally I was extremely curious and of course nervous too. We had a rough idea of the direction of the house. When we reached the nearby locality, we saw banners wishing Major Unnikrishnan a happy birthday. We knew we are in the right place.

We were greeted by his mother. Earlier, I saw only one video of her in the news channels where she was mourning beside his son’s coffin. And now, when I saw her after 5 years, she was calm, composed, but still equally emotional. There were many visitors but she welcomed each one of us personally with equal warmth. A proud mother with lots of pain hidden in her heart that reflects in her eyes. The house where Major’s parents live now is a newly built one. And Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan stayed there for only one month. When he was there in the house with his family, he regularly used to take her mother for morning walk and jogging. Today also she regularly goes for morning walk, only because her son inspired and accompanied her one upon a time. She showed us all the albums of her son from childhood till the last day. We saw the training photos of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan in the metro station of Kolkata. Throughout I found her soft yet composed, steady but still you will feel that she is at the verge of vulnerability.

And then she showed that photo – the blood stained floor of that room in the Taj Hotel, Mumbai. Taj Hotel, Mumbai – where his son fought till his last breath. He attained supreme sacrifice saving many customers and employees of that hotel. And the blood in the room of that photograph was Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan’s blood. His parents explained me the photo. Can you imagine, can you feel the pain a parents have when they show the photo of a room stained with the blood of their only son who was young, dynamic and full of opportunities?

Feel it, feel it. That blood was shed by Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan to save his countrymen. And those countrymen were busy criticizing the death sentence of Ajmal Kasab. They forgot that they were alive to discuss that Ajmal Kasab had biriyani before he was hanged, only because Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan and many more brave men of our country gives their life every day protecting the life of their countrymen. We remember and cry for 9/11 (9th September). Surely it was a horrible incident and painful too as it involved loss of lives. But my dear countrymen, how many of you remember today, 26/11 (26th November)? How many of you remember those lives that were lost saving other lives?

When we forget to remember, the parents of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan every year, this day, visit that hotel, that room to pay respect to not only his son but to all the brave sons of this motherland who gave their life protecting others.

As I was leaving their house last year March, his father gave me a small card on the occasion of his son’s 37th birthday. It says “If you start off being afraid of failure, you will end up also fearing success; because then you will have something to lose” – words that Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan used to say often, used to believe and practice in his life.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

From the Diary of A Brigadier........ 

" After finishing my Passing Out Parade at N.D.A, I was a Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant who have a lot of enthusiasm and responsibility (But no Authority). We felt like we were at top of of the world ..........We here is used for a group "The Nightwalkers" including Me, Col. Sandhu (Rocky), Col. Parashar (Jimmy), Brig. Tyagi (Jolly), Brig.Singh ( Biggy) (All 2nd. Lt. then).

Oh! by the way I came up with an idea of writing this because few days ago when I visited my Son, many of his course mates addressed him "Biggy" I don't know why this name only .......but it recalled me of "The Nightwalkers". I still remember the lines written by me before the day we were about to depart for our Designated units. It was.....

Whatever whether it’s cold or hot,
                                                    we watch your back you like or not
We might choose to live like rests,
                                                    but we are here coz we were best of bests
Beautiful Kids and a gorgeous Wife,
                                                    that's what we expect of life,
Brothers in arms mean everything to us,
                                                    we are in hurry but not in rush,
Ultimate aim is Happiness of faces,
                                                    no matter how many bullets we faces,
Survival of odds is my compulsion,
                                                    as many lives are based on my propulsion,
I am here on duty just to watch,
                                                    you fulfil your dreams of Lamborghini and Scotch,
Our work is hard thus less time to feed,
                                                    you have party with smoke and weed,
We barely get time to be on our feet,
                                                    you cry out loud for a stained bed sheet,
You cry a lot for terrorist’s human rights,
                                                    and no one bothers what we lose in fights,
We like Black & White nothing in brown,
                                                    as we aim quite high with heads bowed down
People get dizzy by drinking at bars,
                                                    we play cool even at fire of mortars,
Headaches in changing baby diapers?
                                                    What if you knew you are at shot of Sniper?
We don’t have time for Rose, Megan,
                                                    Emily, Soldiers on side are our only family,
Our goals and targets gives us wings,
                                                      after winning battle we are king of kings,
Under every situation we moves forward,
                                                      No one ever dare calling us coward,
Minus or plus whatever temperature,
                                                      I’ll remain stood even you make my caricature,
Only one thing any soldier ever wanted,

                                                      respect our cause and don’t take it for granted.

Friday, November 21, 2014

What Is Army ??

Army is:-

When a cold and shivering jawan gets you a cup of hot tea on a patrol break at 13,000 feet.
When your sixth sense tells you there is something wrong with a guy at 50 meters.
When you meet with an accident and the first thing you check is the serviceability of your legs.
When you speak the language of your boys.
When you sit from dusk to dawn in an ambush on Valentine’s Day, you know army is giving you the red rose.
When you are a master at pump stove, lanterns, solar lights, bukharis and travelling in trains without reservations.
When you know more about cramps and cold injuries than your average doctor.
When a girl in the pub is indicated by clock-ray method.
When only your sahayak can dig out the thing you want from your rucksack.
When your pain submits to your will.
When you find it funny when your relative says he’s going on a holiday to a hill station.
When your profession is a matter of discussion during marriage proposals.
When you do not believe in ghosts but do believe in Peer Baba and other high altitude babas.
When you know the real meaning of camouflage, in field, in parties, in unit routine and in your own house.
When you can live, anywhere, with anybody, on anything that nature can offer.
When you know this LMG will be re-sited by everybody up the ladder, till it comes back to where you had sited it initially.
When somebody asks, “Do you play Golf?” and you look at the brass on your shoulder and say “Not yet!”
When you are the biggest consumer of foot powder, DMP oil, water sterilization kit, ORS packets and Meals Ready to Eat in the Army.
When you gave it all that you have got, and some more.
When you are the only one to get trained in bayonet fighting. And expect it to happen.
When your girlfriend thinks you are Rambo, Commando, Gladiator and Braveheart, all rolled into one. Your Commanding Officer, by the way, thinks you are none.
When the Politician and the Bureaucrat state, "what is so special about the ARMY", without realizing that an Army-man can do their job, better then them, but they cannot do an Army-man's job and it is the the same Army-man who bails them out whenever they fail
When you get lost in a multiplex with signboards but are at ease in a jungle with a compass.
When you can die for, what you have lived for.
That's the great INDIAN ARMY.....People call it ARMY, We call it LIFE.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Main Sanjay Bol Raha hu - Anasuya Mitra

It was a normal day. Since morning there was nothing special in my life. I was busy in my office work sitting in front of my computer. Suddenly my phone rang showing an unknown number on the screen. I ignored the call as I was sure that the call is from the service provider. The phone rang again showing the same number. I picked up the phone and the caller told me "Namaskar, Main Sanjay bol raha hoon"(I am Sanjay speaking). I was almost sure that it was a call either for my aqua guard servicing or a channel package offer from the disk service provider. So there was a very casual reply from me "haan ji boliye" (Yes tell me what do you want?). The caller then said "Main Sanjay Kumar bol raha hoon......" I could not believe my ears, I could not believe my luck. It was a call from "the" Sanjay Kumar!!!! One of the 21 person since independence who achieved the highest gallantry award, one of the seven brave hearts who received the award by their own hands, he is one of the three persons of the nation seeing whom the President of india would also stand up to greet. I just shouted "Sanjay dada yeh aap hain?!!!" (Sanjay dada is it you?) Dada smiled and answered "Ji Madam". We talked for next 7 to 10 minutes. He conveyed his warm wishes for all of us.

Infact, few days back, on the occasion of bhai duj, we the sisters of Desh sent our wishes for the brothers who are guarding us and are staying miles away from their families and home. As it was not possible to cater to all the soldiers, so it was decided to send sweets to the unit of Sanjay dada. Due to his busy schedule and various duties he got the sweets on 5th of Nov and distributed among all his compatriots and then called me.

Surely it was a great opportunity to receive a call from a warrior who received the highest gallantry award for his exemplary display of courage and valour in Kargil war. It’s really a special day and special Bhai Duj for me and all the sisters of the DESH....

Indian Army in Kashmir - Vikas Manhas

Its very easy for all of us to judge and pass on comments on almost anything happening in and around us. Few days ago a couple of boys were killed in army firing in Budgam in Kashmir and another two seriously injured in the same incident. All four along with one another, who escaped unhurt were travelling in a car, when they were fired at by the soldiers in Kashmir. This incident as expected again raised the volumes against Indian army and AFSPA in Kashmir. Media, both electronic and print is full of various stories and reviews regarding the same. In this era of social media, facebook, twitters and personal blogs also contributed regarding the same.
In almost all the stories and reviews, army is the culprit and the boys are innocent victims. Well even I assume that boys are innocent victims but at the same time its not fair to term soldiers as the culprit. Let us try to reconstruct the whole scenario to understand it better.
As a routine troops of 53 RR were stopping and checking the vehicles in Chattergam area. One car arrives at the checkpoint and a soldier waved at the driver to stop the car. Instead of halting, the driver tried to overtake a tipper plying ahead of the car and in the process brushed car against the tipper. Another group of soldiers standing ahead also waved the car driver to halt. Instead of applying foot brakes, the driver pulled the handbrakes and the car skidded off the road and hit the electric pole.
If you were a soldier posted out there, what would you had done that time ??
Before answering, let us keep some facts in mind.
1. You are operating in adverse and hostile circumstances, where an error of judgement could be very fatal for you and the men you command.
2. You are in an unfriendly population environment exposing yourself to grave dangers demanding very high degree of operational effectiveness.
3. Movement of militants from their camps and hide-outs is a routine affair.
4. Terrorists possess sophisticated weapons, modern communication equipment and have moral and financial support from across the borders.
5. Recently your colleagues posted at border have witnessed a suicidal bomb blast on other side of border in which more than 60 lives were lost and red alert has been sounded.
6. Hijacking civilian vehicles is a common phenomenon for the terrorists and during elections its possibility is increased many folds.
7. Since 1989 more than six thousand of your colleagues have been killed in Kashmir.
The level of stress and hostility is so much that in October 2012 in the same area, army opened fire and killed two soldiers of another unit. During investigations it was found that a patrolling party of the 53 RR asked the Sumo to stop but when it evaded the signal, the soldiers opened fire, resulting in injuries to the driver and two Army men. Later, the two soldiers, succumbed to their injuries. Life is always a gift from God whether that of a civilian or men in uniform. While answering please don't look at any incidence in isolation but the whole picture in totality.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Last evening, there was a story telling session..... I came to know about some of our warriors over phone from Vikas.......I thought to share those stories of supreme braveries with you all. While searching for details about one of them I found a community in Orkut and achieved little in the mission to get some details about him - Capt R Subramanian, 1PARA, SF. 

Capt Subbu was born on 12th Aug 1976 to Mr. and Mrs. S. Ramachandran - a family from Kerala, settled in Mumbai. The young boy scored 94% and 96% in the Xth and XIIth standard examination and got selected in the National Defense Academy (NDA), Pune for the 90th course at NDA (July 1993). He passed out from NDA in 1996 and completed the training at IMA, Dehra Dun in 1997. The daring young man was then attached with the 1 Para, SF since 1997.

During the Kargil war, the young Lt was busy at Drass Sector, Mushkoh valley till end of August 1999 and led several tough operations there. He was promoted as Captain in March 2000.

When he went back to his troop after a leave in June 2000, he found his men preparing for an assault against the militants in the Haphruda forest of Kupwara. Capt Subbu volunteered the operation. During the operation they managed to kill 5 militants among the eight and took a break at the night.

In the next morning they went to the site of operation and while removing the bodies of the militants, suddenly one the them fired from the closest range on Capt Subbu. Instantaneously, he also fired on the militant and both of them killed each other. The point blank range firing made impossible to identify the face of the brave heart and Indian Army covered the face with a thick layer of sandalwood before the hero reached his home wrapped in tricolor.

On 19th of June, 2000 the nation lost one of her most talented, efficient and intelligent officers in the forest of Kupwara and he was awarded with Kirti Chakra on the republic day of 2001. The warrior could probably be descried the best in his own words,

“You have never lived until You have almost died, And for those who choose to fight, Life has a special flavor, The protected will never know!!!”
Jai Hind......


To our very dear Major Mukund Varadarajan,

It has been exactly 6 months today that you have attained supreme sacrifice. And it is time for me to write to you an open letter Major Mukund Varadarajan. An open letter as I know you are there in all of us, for whom you have laid down your life, protecting us, ensuring our safety and happiness, not thinking about your own and family interest. I know through those millions of people’s eyes, you will surely ready my letter and your reply will also reach me through them. 

In our teenage, we used to have fantasy with cricketers and film actors. They were elder to us in age. Then we grew old and a time came when the cricketers and actors are younger to us. And here you are, our real hero, younger to me or may be of same age. It feels so strange. There is a habit in me of thinking me young, not grown up. And here I see you, of my age or younger to me with so much of bravery, confidence, courage and such immense contribution to the nation. In the age when we think of personal comfort and luxury, what you did I just can’t imagine. You have become my real life hero, someone very special in my life!
You know Major Mukund, one of the main reasons behind my Chennai visit was visiting your home and meeting your family. When the very first time I called up your father, the way uncle talked to me, I felt I was talking to my own father! And when I reached your home, uncle was waiting on the road to receive us.

And the bonding happened before I entered your home! It was Kolkata bonding as you know the city is very close to uncle’s heart since he was posted there from 1977 to 1981! We talked so much about Kolkata, my place, my love, their people, market, vegetables, bus and so many things!

As soon as I entered your home, I saw your little Arsheya! I was waiting so eagerly to see her. As I owe all my happiness and life to her. My daughter can hold her father’s finger today as your daughter sacrificed her’s. And I will ever remain indebted to her! I knew me and my daughter was lucky when my daughter went inside your home holding your daughter’s hand. She is now often talking about her “Arsheya Didi”!

We heard from uncle how truthful you were from your childhood. You have never lied, even to please others. Sir, tears rolled down uncle’s cheeks while talking about you, though he tried hard to be strong. He whispered “My son was a very good human being”! He also told that once you were absent from school due to illness. When uncle took you in his scooter to your friend’s house for collecting notes, you told uncle not to take out the helmet to hide uncle’s bald head J ! Uncle was proudly telling us how you wanted him to be perfect, just like an Army personnel’s father. You took him to Bangalore Fab India and made him try 30 shirts before buying 3 for him! Uncle told after a long time he opened his heart out.

Do you know Major, there were twinkle in aunty’s eyes when she was telling about your leadership skills! How your friends used to come to her to ask for water and other stuffs for you. You never used to come but send friends as you knew if you came, your mother will lock you inside. She also enacted how dramatically you convinced her about Indhu! 

And now, Major, the most painful story rather phase of uncle’s life that he shared with us. As you listen to this, be his strength, hold his hand and please help him deal with this. In bank, they asked for your life certificate from uncle. Uncle called you up on 21.04.2014 for this and immediately you mailed him the document. But next day when uncle went to bank, they again asked for your photograph without which the life certificate is incomplete. On 26th early morning around 1:30pm Indhu’s father called up uncle and told he got to know from Facebook something happened to you. Uncle immediately searched in Facebook but couldn’t find anything in his own profile. Then he checked your profile and saw condolence messages pouring in. Still uncle didn’t believe. Early morning at 6:30am uncle went to buy newspaper and standing in front of the shop only, he read 4 pages and couldn’t any news about you. So he didn’t believe. Then after returning home while having morning tea, he found your news in the 9th page of the newspaper and was shattered. After that whatever happened didn’t register him as his feeling and thoughts became numb! Still today he is not able to accept the truth.

But what is the truth Major? That you are not there? Are you really not there Major? You are so very much there in all of us whom you have saved. With every beating of our heart, your heart beats. With every brave step that we take in our life, your support and happiness is reflected. I found you in the tears of uncle, in the twinkle of aunty’s eyes, in the playfulness of Arsheya and in the dignified silence and strength of Indhu.
And as I left your home to enter mine, I took back with me three sentences of uncle that he told us, which will be my greatest asset of life. “After a long time I have opened my heart”, “We are close now” and “I am feeling my lighter now”. Thank you Major Mukund. Thank you for everything!